December 30, 2020

Reflections of 2020

Well, what can you say about 2020?  Where would you even start? 

Instead of trying to figure out how to summarize the year in words, I decided to portray it in a collage of pictures.  After all, as the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

πŸŽ‰Happy New YearπŸŽ‰

Here’s looking forward to a much brighter year ahead 
reset of the countdown to our big adventure!

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!

December 23, 2020

My favourite photos from 2020


HeyZeus and HoseHey


The (beautiful) Beast






Hank (RIP πŸ’ž)



Tweety  (RIP πŸ’ž)


Da Boyz!

Not hard to tell who was in our “bubble” this year is it?
Looking forward to 2021 and taking pictures from locations different than our back yard!

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!

December 21, 2020

Christmas shopping with the boys

This fall as the weather started to get cold and wet we decided to see how the boys would react to a walk on leash in Canadian Tire.  It’s warm and dry with lots of things to explore and climb up on and lots of dogs to see and smell too!  When Dan first suggested taking HeyZeus to Canadian Tire I looked at him as if he was crazy.  To which he said, “why not, how bad could it be?”  Well, it wasn’t bad at all, it was actually AMAZING!  We brought him inside in his carrier, he wasn’t too happy about that - lots of noises and people and smells. He caught the attention of many people with his loud voice as we came into the store.  But once we let him out on his harness and leash, he was in heaven!  Exploring down the aisles and watching the people and quite a few dogs go by.  

The second time we went was mid October, and by then all the Christmas decorations were in stock.  This time we had the chance to take a few photos and some short video clips

He is just so amazing! I love that he brings so much surprise and so many smiles to people!  We actually have to be careful not to create a crowd of people around us.  So many folks are interested in his beauty, what kind of cat he is and how well he walks on leash!  

Nah, I want to go this way!

For the third time we even took HoseHey too and had BOTH of them walking around.  It was a bit too much to try and take pics or video clips of them as our hands were quite full.  But, I’m happy to share that both boys did extremely well!  

Are we there yet?
The boys relaxed as can be in the back seat of the Jeep

Both boys prefer the perimeter of the store as it is a little less crowded there.  Their most favourite part is the corner where the big boxes of lawnmowers and large outdoor equipment is kept.  Lots to climb around, behind and on top of!  

Even though HoseHey did really well on his first trip, he’s more or less told us it’s not really his cup of tea. For that reason we haven’t had a chance to get any photos of him in the store yet.  He’s definitely has a more more reserved and cautious personality.  Quite a contrast to his brother’s fearless and ever curious personality πŸ˜ƒ 

Time for a rest

This caught a lot of attention! He sat up on this box for quite some time, just taking a break and having a bit of a bath.  You can see how totally at ease he is as many people walked by.  He’s such a cool cat!

And finally, after all that shopping who wouldn’t be tired?  He found the best place to have a snooze.

Home at last, time for a nap in front of the fireplace

These trips to Canadian Tire are now a weekly outing HeyZeus looks forward to!  We’re pretty sure the staff look forward to it too 😊 

With Christmas now almost here, we can’t wait to see what new stock they bring in for him to check out! 

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!

December 6, 2020

Bengal Borders - Closed!

It took us a few tries, but we think we finally mastered an escape proof yard!  It took most of the summer and various design iterations.  I could almost swear with every new attempt I heard HeyZeus say “challenge accepted”.  Good ‘ol Barney Stinson style! I should add that we never leave the cats outside by themselves.  We are always outside with them supervising.

Thankfully, we have a fully fenced yard.  However that alone isn’t enough to keep these adventurous boys in.  The first attempt involved buying a dozen or so rolls of wire edging which we stapled to the top of the fence.  Sadly, after finishing the entire yard HeyZeus quickly showed us that the spaces between the wires were just big enough for him to squeeze through.  That’s when we met our neighbour behind us for the first time 😳 Thankfully he’s a really nice man who helped us scoop up our little rascal quickly.  I didn’t get a picture of it once it was up...but here’s a pic from the internet ...where we got the idea from.
You can see the spaces in-between.  
Just wide enough for a determined cat to squeeze through!

So, next we tried to bend it over to reduce the size of the opening.  The result.....’Challenge #2 Accepted AND defeated!’ This time though, HeyZeus escaped while we weren’t paying attention.  Sitting outside for hours on end, that can happen.  You look down or away and the perfect opportunity opens up.  This time when we looked in the back neighbours yard, he was nowhere to be found.  And, no way was he gonna come when I called him. Not now that he had escaped and was able to explore the neighbourhood!  So to Facebook we went, putting a “lost cat” sign up on our neighbourhood group page and wandering all over the neighbourhood on the lookout, all the time with a sick feeling in our stomach.  After an hour or so, there was still no sign of him.  We just sat there looking at each other thinking he was gone.  Then, amazingly we got a response on Facebook.  Someone out walking her dog had spotted him in a neighbours front yard down the street!  We rushed out and down the street with his cat carrier in hand, hoping he would come to us and not run away for more adventures.  As we approached the yard and called him he turned and looked at us, then ran right toward us and jumped into his carrier.  Envision HUGE SMILE here! Phew!  I guess he’d had enough adventure for the day and was eager to get back home.  

You’ll likely have noticed that both of these escapes have been HeyZeus.  And, all the rest of them are him as well.  Thankfully his brother HoseHey doesn’t seem too interested in “adventures”.  He’s never made an attempt, but sure starts to make a racket once his brother get’s out, quickly alerting us, thankfully!

So, attempt #3 - pull down all the stapled up edging and try moving it down on the fence, bent over.  No picture of that too didn’t work.  Challenge #3 Accepted AND defeated! So back to the drawing board. More ‘googlefoo’ as Dan likes to say, to research other options.  We landed on a combination of angled netting/snowfence for the majority of the yard and doubled up the wire edging for the panel with the main gate.

Success, at last! Once we finished, we watched as HeyZeus surveyed the yard.  It appeared we had defeated him once and for all.  He spent the entire afternoon outside looking up at the fence, jumping up to test it out but not having any success.  Sadly, that didn’t last long.  Recognizing the obstacle we had set up, he looked to find another way out....Challenge #4 Accepted!  Off he went to the gates, where if he put enough effort in, he was sure he could dig his way out! So, once again we loaded up the staple gun to reinforce the gates. 

Ok, surely NOW we had everything covered?  Finally we could sit outside and not have to be “on guard” all the time.  

Alas, once again HeyZeus studied his options and defeated us!!  This time he found objects to aide him in his escape.  In the back corner of the yard we had an open compost bin for grass and yard clippings with sides about 3 or 4 ft high.  Challenge #5 Accepted AND Defeated! HeyZeus balanced on the sides of the compost bin and propelled himself up and over the angled fencing.  Luckily, we saw him this time and quickly drove around to our back neighbours yard to retrieve him once again.  Little bugger!!!  So, down came the compost bin as well as any other objects we could see that he might use to jump off.  Now we were convinced we had mastered it!  

But, never one to be dismayed by a challenge, he just put his sneaky little mind to finding a new way out.  Challenge #6 Accepted! It took a couple of days for him to calculate his next move...just enough for us to get a false sense of security. afternoon he got out and it was a complete mystery to us.  We didn’t hear him, he had by now mastered the art of the silent escape.  His brother HoseHey alerted us that something was wrong so we went to explore...where the heck had he gone and how did he get out?  A perimeter check confirmed all exits were still blocked with no sign of a breach. Then we heard him meow - thankfully!  Yet again he was in the back neighbours yard.  You might be wondering what it is back there that has him so interested?  And to be honest I don’t know.  There is a dog in the yard next to the back neighbour who barks non-stop whenever he is, I wouldn’t think he wants to go “meet” him...but who knows. Sheesh!!  Off we went, around the block and into the back neighbours yard to retrieve him once again.  

When we got back home we looked and looked throughout the yard to try and see how or where he had gotten out.  It was his brother to the rescue again. HoseHey meowed at us and stood up on his hind legs pawing at the trellis in the back garden.  It stood about five feet tall with a beautiful wisteria vine wrapped all around it and trailing up into the large spruce trees in the yards behind us.  HoseHey was giving us a clue....the little bugger had climbed the trellis and found a convenient branch overhanging from the spruce trees in the back neighbours yard which worked beautifully as a bridge up and over the angled fencing right onto the top of the fence.  U N R E A L!!!  So, down came our beautiful trellis and Wisteria....sad, but having HeyZeus getting away from us, and potentially losing him forever was a far  sadder possibility.

Ok, so....the yard is minus a compost bin, minus the trellis and our fence is adorned with lovely green angled fencing all along the top.  Oh well, what can you do?  It is still worth it, to allow the boys the freedom to run around and play in the yard.  You might wonder, why not just hook them up to a long lead? Well, that wouldn’t work.  Although their harnesses are touted as “escape proof”, there is really no such thing.  With enough tenacity and with the smarts to pull it off (which these boys both definitely have) they could easily get out of their harness.  So...we do what we need to do.  Finally, we had it mastered.  The yard was cat proof! High fives all around - woohoo! πŸ™Œ  But then....

Challenge #7 Accepted! How is this possible you ask?  Well, did I mention we have a large deck off the back of the house?  Umm yeah.....Sooooo, Mr. HeyZeus figures ‘surely there must be an avenue for escape up there!’ So, one afternoon while I’m out visiting my sister I get a frantic text from Dan who had been on yard duty....”HeyZeus is ON THE ROOF!”  Yep, easy peasy....all he needed to do was jump up on the deck railing and from there onto the privacy fence panels we have at the ends of the deck, from there with only a short jump, onto the roof he went. GULP 😳.  So, up Dan goes on the ladder coaxing him to come down.  Thankfully, he gets him down and in the house he goes.  By now we’re running out of brainpower to figure out how to defeat this little escape artist!  

What we eventually come up with to prevent him from getting onto the roof sadly wasn’t successful.  Challenge #8 Accepted and Defeated! First we tried to put the angled netting on the top of the panels at the end of the deck.
Privacy panels at the ends of the deck.  
We used mesh netting and garden stakes drilled in at a 45 degree angle

That worked for a bit, until he reassessed that attempt and ...Challenge #9 Accepted and Defeated as he used the hot tub as his platform to leap a good, that isn’t a typo.....literally SIX FEET from the top of the hot tub up onto the roof.  Just a reminder here....that it is still only HeyZeus making all these attempts!  This time, up onto the roof he went, walking from the back of the roof to the front, just hanging out...ignoring us as we called him to come back down onto the deck.  Did he oblige?  Hell no!  He thought it’d be more fun to jump off the roof of the house, onto the roof of the RV parked beside the house!  How cool would that be heh?  Dios Mio!!! 😱 OMG!!! Can you feel the heart palpitations we had? He explored the roof of the RV then as he neared the front of it he slipped and slid down bouncing off the hood and landing on the ground.  I’m sure that was one of his 9 lives...Thankfully, by now we had run out front and were quickly able to scoop him up unharmed...except maybe for his pride. 

Not one to give up, guess what happened?  Well of course.... Challenge #10 Accepted and Defeated!! Yep, on another afternoon after playing in they yard he decided it was time to try again.  So, up to the deck he went.  BUT, we spoiled his plans....jumping up on the hot tub he saw our latest attempt to defeat him.  We’d figured out a way to attach the surplus wire garden edging along the eavestrough opposite to the hot tub.   Now that 6ft jump would land him squarely into the edging.  Success, finally!  Or was it? 
The brown in the bottom of this picture is the hot tub cover

Nope, I did already tell you Challenge #10 was Defeated didn’t I?  Yeah, unfazed by this obstacle, he reassessed his options.  Studying the angled mesh netting we put up on the fence panels at the end of the deck, he saw an opportunity.  I hadn’t blocked off the posts at the end of the deck that the fence panels were attached to.  
This is the end post I refer to above. He climbed it to get around and over the netting. 
We added the netting you can see afterward. 

Well, be damned if the deck is 10 ft off the ground....he’s no sissy....he can easily shimmy to the edge and climb up that post to get around the angled netting and swiftly up onto the top of the fence panel.  Voila!  Back up onto the house he went.  Of course, we were outside as per usual on “guard duty” so ran up to try and coax him down.  Nothing would do it, not shaking treats, not speaking nicely....nada.  So, up on the roof he sat.  He ventured over to the side of the roof the RV was closest to and contemplated his options.  Seemed like he remembered his embarrassing ordeal and thought better of trying that again.  So, over to the front of house he went.  We followed, running to the front yard telling him to “get down”.  We could see him weighing his options.  Yeah, he could easily jump down onto the deck and into the yard again.  But, what fun would that be? There is no adventure in that.  And, do you realize how far he could see in the neighbourhood from this vantage point?  There was SO much to explore out there!  So this time he chose another option.  Our house is two stories high with the main entrance door on the ground floor.  Above the front door is a small roof.  You can see it in the aerial view below (along with the position of the RV for reference). 

Yep, he jumped from the top roof to the small roof over top the door and from there, swiftly into the front garden.  He has literally NO FEAR! Again, we were at the ready, waiting for him.  We quickly scooped him up and put him in the house. what?  We were determined to still be able to let them outside in the backyard.  These little fellas have LOTS of energy and running around the yard, climbing trees (that don’t overhang into the neighbours yards) gives them lots of opportunity to expend that energy to tire them out and “technically” keep them out of trouble, ha!

So, solution #11.....block off the deck access.  Yes, it means we too are blocked from going onto the deck from the yard...but we can still access it and the hot tub up top through the house.  So, out came the snow fence and the staple gun again and for extra measure a couple plastic shelving pieces Dan configured into another “block point”.

This time, I’m ecstatic to report that we have had no more escapes!!!!  πŸŽ‰. Now when the boys are outside, HeyZeus just concentrates on playing.  Every now and then he’ll jump up and hang off the fence just to test it out...and sometimes it is just to spy on the neighbours dog, or the pesky squirrels who like to tease him.  But, he seems content that he’s tried everything that is possible and for now at least, and isn’t looking for a new Challenge. 😊 

Well, that was a much longer blog post than I envisioned.  I don’t know why....considering all the attempts and mitigations we had to go through.  Hopefully it was an entertaining read.  As much as it drove us batty trying to figure out a solution, at the same time it was fascinating to see how smart and determined HeyZeus is πŸ’• and to learn that he and HoseHey are quite different, thankfully.  I can’t imagine having two escape artists!

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!

December 5, 2020

¿Hablas espaΓ±ol?

In preparation for our big Mexican adventure, for the past number of years I’ve been trying to learn Spanish.  I’ve tried a number of different formats, from classroom courses at the local community centre to books, queue cards, YouTube  videos, apps and audio books.  All have been helpful, but I think the most helpful of all has been the mix of the free app Duolingo and a series of great audio books through Audible.  
I’ve never been “good” at languages.  I couldn’t wait to be finished with the mandatory French classes in school, just making by enough to pass and get the required credit.  But learning a language because I genuinely want to has been different.  Plus with all the different formats to learn from which didn’t require me to get into the nitty gritty of complex grammar (my least favourite topic in school), I’ve truly enjoyed the learning.  The hard part has been keeping it up through regular practice.  I can honestly say that I’ve even surprised myself and got to a point where I felt like I was really getting into a groove with my lessons.  By early 2020 I finished all three Levels of the Pimsleur Spanish audio lesson series offered through Audible.  Before starting that I had built a bit of a foundation through many levels of the Duolingo app.  Then when I found these audio books it really started to feel like things were coming together.  
Through listening and repeating aloud I not only feel like I have a good handle on the language, I also feel much more confident in my pronunciation.  I think I’ve even gotten the hang of the rolling R’s!  Sadly though, after finishing the audio lessons a number of months ago, I’ve gotten lazy and haven’t been practicing as much.  But, now that we have a new countdown to our Mexican adventure (moved out to Fall 2021) I’ve got some renewed energy to brush up on my knowledge.    Having “been there, done that” with the Duolingo and audio books, I’ve struggled to get back into those.  Thankfully though, I recently stumbled on some fun and quick free lessons offered by a blogger we follow Two Expats Mexico.  So, my new goal will be to go through all the short YouTube lessons they’ve put together to brush up and to replay some of the Pimsleur audio books. I’m looking forward to understanding Spanish better once in Mexico and being able to use what I’ve learned, hopefully without sounding like too much of a “gringo”. Wish me luck! 😊 

With just 10 months to go, I’m looking forward to the time flying by as fast as this past year has gone!!

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!

November 10, 2020

Meet “The Beautiful Beast”

Permiteme presentarte mi Casa Rodante
Allow me to introduce our NEW home on wheels!

Affectionately named: “The Beautiful Beast”

2020 Entegra Accolade
Super C Diesel

What a year it has been.  By now, we would have been nicely settled into Mexico had the world not turned on it’s head in 2020.  And this beautiful and affectionately named “Beast” is what we would be living in.  We’ve sure been through a few RV’s....but this was always our “dream”.  She’s a “Super C” diesel beauty!  We thought we had our final RV when we bought our Newmar BayStar Class A motorhome in late 2018, affectionally named “Cassie”.  That was one beautiful rig as well, but after a year with it we came to the realization that the class A (think Greyhound bus style for those of you who are not RV’ers) just wasn’t for us.  We much prefer the feeling of having the engine out in front of us, rather that sitting on top of it with only the large windshield between you and the vehicle in front of you.  With this realization and some calculations, we headed to Traveland and swapped out “Cassie” for “The Beast”.  All in all, even though we didn’t know 2020 was going to turn into such a mess, the extra time at home means extra time working when we otherwise would have been on the road.  So, financially at least that helps in paying down the bills.  

Enough about the fun of 2020 and talk of bills....ugh.  Let’s get to the fun stuff...a photo tour!

Here’s the kitchen looking into the living room.  I love the huge stainless steel sink and the gas burner stove that is nicely hidden under matching countertop covers (see pic below).  The covers adds a nice amount of counter space when not using the sink and/or stove.

Yes, thats a full size residential fridge with ice maker and water dispenser 😊 

View from another angle

Here is the kitchen dinette, directly across from the sink and stove.  This folds down into a bed.  There is also an enormous pantry you can see to the right.  It has loads of storage room inside.  Oh, and of course HeyZeus photobombed me! 😻 

We have a great sized L-shaped couch situated across from a nice size flat screen TV with DVD player and also an electric fireplace.  The longer portion of the couch can be converted to another bed.  This rig sleeps WAY more you hear that Man?  πŸ˜ƒ ❤️ 

The view from the couch looking toward the TV and electric fireplace.  The door you can see to the right of the TV is a half bath.  Yes, this rig has 1.5 baths! 

The theme I chose to decorate is intended to be ocean/tropical. I had the blue and green ocean themed pillows already in our last rig, so added accent deep navy blue blankets and blue/green abstract art to compliment.  I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!  It livens up the drab brown.  We have talked about the potential to paint out some of the brown cabinets to lighten up the interior.  There are so many RV’ers doing that now with their rigs.  We might do it one day, but for now have decided we want to live in it first for a chunk of time so we can get a better sense of what/if we want to change anything.

Moving we have the bedroom.  It has a huge king size bed that will come in handy with all the furry beasts we’ll have.  So far we’ve still got four cats; Sweety who is 15 and a half, Lou who is 10 and of course HoseHey and HeyZeus who are just 1 year old.  If Sweety is still with us by the time we can leave, she will most definitely be coming on the journey.  The only questionnable one is Lou.  We’ll have to see how well he does in the RV.  He hasn’t been a fan of travelling before, so we are a bit skeptical.  When it comes to the little rascals, they’re going to be fine.  We’ve been spending lots of time with them taking them on rides in the Jeep to get them comfortable to the movement and the sounds.  They love going for car rides!

The picture above is looking into the bedroom from the living room.  I just had to have this poster when I saw it!  It is so “us”.

Above is the view of the bedroom looking out of the rear bath.  There are windows on either side of the head of the bed for ventilation, nice bedside ‘tables’ to put water, glasses, iPads etc, more storage above and also under the bed.  And, my favourite painting on the wall. I’ve had it for awhile, and it fit in perfectly with the ocean theme.

Opposite side of the bedroom. Large dual wardrobes, lots of drawers underneath and another nice sized TV with storage behind it as well.

Here is the rear bath, there is a nice large shower with skylight, porcelain toilet, medicine cabinet and a set of drawers for storage.

What’s behind those doors you ask...?

That’s right, a combo washer/dryer! How cool is that?

One of the great things about a diesel Super C is that it’s on a Freightliner Chassis which, among other things, means it has a TON of carrying capacity.  All our other rigs we were right to the limit in terms of how much weight we could carry.  We had to make decisions on what to load and what we could buy based on those weight restrictions.  We were literally within 100-150 lbs of our limit all the time...and that wasn’t even as full timers!  In this rig, it is a MUCH different story.  All loaded up as it is now, we still have 2200 lbs we could add.  That extra capacity also allows for things like the porcelain toilets, the quartz counter tops and so many other extras.  Oh, and did I mention it can tow 12,000 lbs!  Previously we were stretched trying to find a vehicle our other rigs could tow safely.  That said, we did land on the two door Jeep Wrangler last year.  And, even though we can now tow a larger vehicle like a truck (which we would have preferred), I think we’re sticking with the Jeep.  We love the versatility and manoeuvrability of it, not to mention how nice it looks behind this rig!

Ok, moving on...we still have the 1/2 bath and the front of the rig to show.  I’m not going to show the crazy amount of storage in the outside bays, you’ll have to trust me on that πŸ˜‰.

This is the half bath, located behind the TV in the living room.  Kinda hard to take a picture because it is small.  If you look at the sink, near the top of the rim you can see what looks like clear plastic all along the top rim.  That’s actually an accent light!  Both sinks have them.  There are also nice accent lights throughout the entire inside of the rig.  We love this 1/2 bath option.  Not only does it make it easy to get to a bathroom while in transit when the living room and bedroom slides are in, it also will likely double as a litter box room once we get to our destination.🐱 

These next two pictures (above and below) are from the actual add posting before we bought it which is why you don’t see our personal touches.  But, they give a good view of looking from the front all the way to the back, and then from the back all the way to the front where the cab as well as the bunk over cab is.  In these pictures, all the blinds are down so the only natural light you see in these is coming from the front.  But there are many windows to let all kinds of natural light in...or out as needed!

In this picture the L-shaped couch is “put away”. The corner piece you can see in this shot pulls out to give more space.  You can see it extended in the pictures above.

This is another picture from the add listing.  In this you can see the huge over cab bunk that holds an incredible 700 lbs!  And, we just LOVE the window up top, a new feature.  It adds so much beautiful natural light!  It also has an automatic blind you can close.

Above is a close up of the dash with the console we added.  We also applied carbon fibre vinyl to the dash to cover up the ugly faux brown marble type background that was behind the instruments.  You can see what I mean if you look at the photo of the dash above.  We love how the vinyl carbon fibre wrap looks!  You can also see the great window shades that came with the rig to give you privacy.

And finally below you can see what the cab looks like now with the black seat covers we bought and the arm rest covers that I made to match.  The seats are leather so we wanted to protect them from wear and tear...not just wear and tear from us, but also the furry beasts and their claws.  In this shot you can also see the handy overhead compartments.

So, that’s “The Beast”!  We can’t wait to get to use her for our big adventure. All we need now is for the borders to open!

Until next time/Hasta la proxima vez!

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