December 30, 2020

Reflections of 2020

Well, what can you say about 2020?  Where would you even start? 

Instead of trying to figure out how to summarize the year in words, I decided to portray it in a collage of pictures.  After all, as the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

🎉Happy New Year🎉

Here’s looking forward to a much brighter year ahead 
reset of the countdown to our big adventure!

Until next time / Hasta la proxima vez!


  1. Wow, this is amazing! You are so talented and have captured it all! I absolutely love this Yvette. Happy New Year to you guys❤️

  2. WOW, such an absolutely amazing collage hon! So many pictures of happiness and laughter! Love it that you included the pic of mask wearing on the the ferry😄😄That is classic!! Hoping that 2021 is good to everyone of us and that your dreams come true🌞🌵🌵🩱🩴🕶🌴🌎🥑🍸🏖🇮🇹 The emojis cover a few depictions of Mexico😄 Love you very much hon ❤️ xoxo

    1. Glad you liked it mom. Yeah, how can we forget the BC Ferries mask poster! Too funny. And definitely looking forward to our adventures in 2021 xoxo😘


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