May 17, 2020

Meet HoseHey and HeyZeus!

HoseHey and HeyZeus
May 2020
Near to the last minute we had a surprising change of plans with the kittens.  HoseHey (the darker boy pictured above) became available allowing us to adopt these two boys who were closer in age and freeing up “Odie” introduced in my last post for another family.  We brought them home on 
March 3, 2020.  Both boys have been settling in very nicely and have added the much needed energy and excitement our home had been missing.  I’m SO grateful we were able to bring home two.  They are great companions and love to chase each other around the house, getting into all kinds of trouble! We LOVE the sound they make running down the hallway, the fun they have with cardboard boxes, packing paper, q-tips, paper balls and of course many many feathered cat wands.  They can jump SO high! And their big brother Lou couldn’t be happier.  Sweety on the other hand, well I think she’s decided she’s just too old for such shenanigans.

We had fun choosing their names.  The lighter guy was already named Zeus and the dark one had the name Nacho although neither really “knew” their names yet.  With our upcoming Mexico adventure we thought Nacho might work and then wondered how we could make Zeus’ name more Mexican/Spanish.  Dan had the eureka moment on the ferry when we went to pick them up.  “I’ve got it...Jesus but spelled HeyZeus!”  It was perfect.

After bringing both boys home, the name Nacho just wasn’t sticking so we set out to think of a more suitable name that would go well with HeyZeus.  It didn’t take us long to come up with ‘Jose’.  It made perfect sense, suited him well and went well with HeyZeus.  Keeping the same unique naming we decided to spell it HoseHey 😊 

By the time we leave on our adventure this fall, both will be one year old.  HoseHey’s birthday is September 9th and HeyZeus’ is October 3rd.  By then we are hopeful the world will return to some semblance of normal.  We’ve decided that as long as the borders are open (US border is set to open June 21st) we are GOING!  We already had a plan A, B and C.  Plan A = Puerto Vallarta area, Plan B = Baja peninsula and Plan C = Southwestern US.  We’ll keep monitoring things and will know whether it’s plan A, B or C closer to our departure date.  October 19th is the date we plan to leave Canada.

With only 5 months left, we’ve been getting our final preparations in order.  This includes getting the boys comfortable in the RV.  Although we haven’t taken them out for a drive yet, we’ve been spending time with them in the rig with the air, furnace, generator or engine running.  The first experience was interesting...they can be VERY vocal 😳.  But as each outing to the RV passes, they are getting more and more comfortable.  They are much quieter now thankfully.  We can only hope they’ll settle in when we actually start driving.

We are so thankful to have the distraction of these beautiful boys during this pandemic. They have SO much energy and such personalities!  They’ve brought us countless smiles and laughs and of course loads of love.  They’re also getting used to their harnesses and are even learning how to walk on leash.  We look forward to walking them on the beaches in Mexico 🏝 

To close out this blog I’ll share a few fun video clips which are great for a smile  

Until next time

Hasta la proxima vez!

HeyZeus - coffee break time πŸ’— 

HoseHey - coffee break time πŸ’• 

                Backyard fishing for cats πŸ₯°

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